21 Downbeat (Photo: Andi Weiland)
21 Downbeat (Photo: Andi Weiland)
Friday, 27.8.2021
20:00 – 20:40, Kino in der Kulturbrauerei (Saal 3)

21 Downbeat

21 Downbeat comprises the RambaZamba actors Eva Fuchs, Moritz Höhne, Hieu Pham and Heiko Fechner as well as composer and musician Leo Solter. The principles of the inclusive band: exhilaration and ecstasy, or rather, boom and confetti! Using their own words along with poems by contemporary authors, the group’s members create a singular sound. Perhaps the musicians could be described as Satyroi – cheerful demons in the wake of Dionysus, difficult to tame and blissfully unconstrained by conventions. Their debut album, featuring lyrics by the award-winning author Yoko Tawada, slated for release this summer. Outside of the studio, 21 Downbeat have performed regularly with rotating guest musicians for »Hi Freaks,« the late-night show at the RambaZamba Theater, and at previous editions of Pop-Kultur with the commissioned works »Rausch Royal« and »Der Ring.«

21 Downbeat (Photo: Andi Weiland)
21 Downbeat (Photo: Andi Weiland)