Jacqueline Saki Aslan, Muri Darida, Sanni Est
Jacqueline Saki Aslan, Muri Darida, Sanni Est
Saturday, 28.8.2021
20:00 – 21:00, Kino in der Kulturbrauerei (Saal 6)

»Musikalische Brüchigkeit und widerständige Körperlichkeit – Inter/sektionen« (De)

Jacqueline Saki Aslan, Muri Darida (Host), Sanni Est

Who actually gets heard, and who merely gets seen? How can music, performance and bodies (of sound) break away from norms, marginalisation, fetishisation or even persecution? Can an aesthetic exist without an outside perspective? How can bodies, language, resistance and the inexpressible find each other, interact and diverge? Coming from different backgrounds in media, Jacqueline Saki Aslan and Sanni Est will join Muri Darida to discuss language beyond speech and the relationship between self-conception and aesthetics. Touching on both commonalities and separations, this talk will also push beyond simple dichotomies in terms of expression and communication.

Fotos: Diara Sow (Sanni Est), Laura Vifer (Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley), Lee Everett Thieler (Muri Darida)

Jacqueline Saki Aslan, Muri Darida, Sanni Est
Jacqueline Saki Aslan, Muri Darida, Sanni Est