Juno Francis (Foto: Amaan Hassen)
Juno Francis (Foto: Amaan Hassen)
Saturday, 28.8.2021
19:00 – 19:40, Pavillon

Juno Francis

Juno Francis is the supposed »lovechild of a 60s gentleman and an 80s lady,« and as plausible as that sounds, Juno Francis does not exist. At least not as a natural person with a passport and tax ID number. As a vision and sound, however, Juno Francis is alive and kicking. Behind all this is a duo whose self-description hits the mark: Juno Francis bring together warm, fuzzy psychedelics with grand, neon-coloured gestures. Still, their releases – such as their latest single »Sunday Morning« on Italians Do It Better with producer Alejandro Molinari – don’t sound retro at all, but rather like a contemporary synthesis of familiar, prevailing moods. How they are set in motion and their interplay is the real art here. Deathly sad one moment, overjoyed the next: Juno Francis may not exist, but their emotional presence cannot be denied.

Juno Francis (Foto: Amaan Hassen)
Juno Francis (Foto: Amaan Hassen)