SEXES (Picture: SEXES)
SEXES (Picture: SEXES)
Wednesday, 25.8.2021 / Thursday, 26.8.2021 / Friday, 27.8.2021 / Saturday, 28.8.2021
18:00 – 22:00 / 17:00 – 22:00 / 17:00 – 22:00 / 15:00 – 22:00, Center of Dance


Due to the pandemic, we have been forced to develop new spaces and rituals, which the SEXES collective now wants to explore with the artists they have invited to participate. This prgramme examines intensive care units, which, as a place of particularly strict isolation in the middle of our society, are laden with symbolic power. All the performances, lectures and workshops in the programme revolve around helping oneself and others and trying to widen the horizons of possibility. The dialogue between intimacy and demarcation, the private and the public, translates into »Intensive Care« – a space divided into cells by semi-transparent curtains and enlivened by natural and artificial agents that are partly well-known, partly foreign.

With shows, performances und contributions by
Grażyna Roguski
Günter Schickert
Lonely Boys
Soft Agency (Teresa Dillon)
Dr. Deniz Yenimazman
Workshop mit Maque Pereyra

SEXES (Picture: SEXES)
SEXES (Picture: SEXES)